stefan from leipzig
12.07.2010 at 10:59:
hey, i just found out about your museum ... very nice ... maybe you would like to take part with it in this onehundredboxes project i am running with nicolas koch ... we are looking for 100 obscure artspaces and collect them on our website ... please check ... and maybe you will be interested also in the other tiny artspaces there are ...
cheers, stefan

Martin Remppis from Tübingen
06.07.2010 at 22:05:
Got into this nice room when looking for my "Swedesh" cousin, who has left an exhibit in the Museum. I learned that the Museum plans a retrospective in Tübingen. Incredible, when will that be? I live in Tübingen and would certainly enjoy a close look at the artifacts.
Best wishes
Hi Martin, the retrospektive will probably take place in Spring 2011. We have to apply for a time slot at the kulturhalle... If you like you can join the facebook group 'Museum of Temporary Art' or just pop by.
Ben und Debby

michael leigh from rudheath
05.07.2010 at 07:08:
Hi dear friends, just popped in a for a cuppa and say hello. Hows things? We miss your lovely project and catalogues- we hope you will do another soon.
All the best, Michael Hazel and Archie
Cheers! Everything's fine and there is still one catalogue to come...

PLG frieslaender from farawey freezeland
31.05.2010 at 11:15:
am wochenende sprach ich mit 1 frau vom weserburg museum über euer projekt.sie hat noch nichts bekommen,es kann im haus verlegt verloren sein.ich bleibe dran,hab 1 termin mit ihr,sie ist sehr interessiert.also?weiter!......
Schick doch mal Name und Adressdaten der Dame. Dann schicken wir gerne noch mal einen (Beispiel-)Katalog. Danke für Deinen Einsatz!

edvard derkert from stockholm
15.04.2010 at 10:37:
Maybe you could forward this?
Best regards Edvard Derkert
Open call for altered postcard exhibition in stockholm in August. Spectacular sights– Postcards of places yet to be seen. Galleri KG52, Stockholm, sweden.
edvard derkert/kg52

Alan Brignull from the Perfect State of Flatby
30.03.2010 at 15:00:
Thanks for the catalogue which arrived today and congratulations on completing the museum. I hope you will now have time for another project, equally interesting.
(Tea is Keemun, with shortbread.)

Kasrani from London
19.03.2010 at 14:53:
Hi there , i just googled for Temporary Art and came accross your wonderful Museum of Temporary Art..
i am a performing artist/ magician. and one of the activities i enjoy doing is throwing playing cards at high speed at random things, yesterday i threw cards at an apple from 3 meter distance and caused six cards to hit the apple , cut through it and get stuck in there ..
you can see it here,
without any background knowledge of Temporary Art, i felt this was a piece of combined many artistic inspirations.. and i came to realise that this is indeed art that eventually somehow will not be permanent, so i called it Temporary Art.
please have a look and tell me what you think..
have a magical day ,
Great, I love the going-to-change aspect a lot, plus the story how the piece was created. Truly Temporary Art. Ben

frieslaender from neuenburgerfeld
14.03.2010 at 16:31:
mota filled now? roger over &now
Yes, the Museum of Temporary Art is and has been filled now with 1.000 exhibits! The project MoTA has officially ended. But we're thinking about showing the whole collection... We'll see.

zlatko krstevski from prilep-macedonia
10.03.2010 at 22:27:
Good Tea ,from red citron,with honey,
and welness biscuits!

Paul Martin from London, UK
07.02.2010 at 15:05:
Glad to say the tea was brewed using London water and the crumpets were English!
Well, certainly, Sir! ;-)

Martha from Penetanguishene, Ont. Canada
29.01.2010 at 19:45:
Ah...a hot cup of perhaps..on such a cold winter day..and with a tiny
bit of art..what more can one ask?

klaus groh from edewecht - germany
07.01.2010 at 16:27:
Hallo, happy to be in person in the tearoom. What wonderfull friesian tea you have, with beautiful candies. thanks will come back soon have a craetive day. klaus

Louise Weinberg from Long Island City
20.12.2009 at 21:02:
Having some tea right now and preparing my entry to send in tomorrow. Thanks for the drawer!

janelle scolaro from Dana Point
17.12.2009 at 20:28:
love receiving mail art, any sent will be posted to love your site!
artistic moods
PO Box 3085
dana point, ca 92629-8085
drink up!

Bruce O'Keane Anderson from San Francisco - Tübingen
14.12.2009 at 15:54:
I love tea and your concept as well...hope you have, this late in the day, room for my contribution too!
best to you all
B O'K Anderson
Yes, we still have room and we're looking forward to your contribution!
